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New Patient Acupuncture

Detailed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) health assessment, review of the patient's Health History plus an Acupuncture treatment. 


Woman Receiving Acupuncture

​Acupuncture is the use of needles to activate points present on meridians. Meridians are channels running throughout the body like a vast river system, carrying Qi, the fundamental substance of life. Qi flows within channels or meridians that are connected to our internal organs. Each meridian has a set number of points and the needles are inserted into these points to regulate the flow of Qi in the channels or organs. Our bodies are equipped with the necessary tools for healing and acupuncture is the stimulus.


Battlefield Acupuncture

An auricular acupuncture protocol used for pain control. Semi-permanent needles are placed on points in the ear to reduce chronic pain.


Needle-Less Acupuncture

Detailed Traditional Chinese Medicine health assessment, review of Health History, AcuGraph Report, and a Needle less stimulation of your Meridians via laser or electric stimulation to the ear or other points to bring your body into balance and relieve symptoms.


Ear Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine health assessment, AcuGraph Report, and an acupuncture treatment to points in the ear(s) to bring your body into balance and relieve symptoms. 

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